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Whether you're inquiring about donations, volunteering, or looking for general information, this handy form below is all you need to get in contact with our team. We look forward to hearing from you!
You're in good company if you're here to ask any of these questions below. If a question you have isn't already answered, we encourage you to use the contact form above!
At this time, we do not accept owner surrenders. Please contact your local animal control officer or animal shelter for local assistance.
Yes, please visit https://www.patreon.com/TheMiniMountainFarmSanctuary - the link is also available in our website footer.
We are a registered non-profit in the State of New York. Our federally recognized status as a 501(c)3 is being processed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This is typically a 9-12 month process. Keep an eye out for announcements, as this may change. If this impacts your interest in donating, please reach out to join our mailing list to get informed when our tax-exempt status is processed!
We partner with companies through educational initiatives, donor match programs, and more. Please contact us to start a conversation about partnering!
Yes, we are an incorporated non-profit in New York State. We are also registered with the Office of the New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau
Yes, our initial on-site facilities and acreage support additional rescues, but further building winterization, new structures, and additional facilities are planned. Every donation helps us get one step closer to supporting more rescues, more education, and more research!