Our Mission

 We are committed to rescuing exploited or abandoned farmed animals while advocating for and implementing sustainable agriculture practices.

We focus on pioneering mycological and agroforestry practices to replace animal agriculture with profitable, ethical alternatives.

Our mission is to educate and transition the agriculture industry toward a future where animal exploitation is unnecessary.

Our goal

Our goal acknowledges farming is a business, food is cultural, but change is achievable.

The World Health Organization classified processed meats, including ham, bacon, salami, and frankfurts, as a Group 1 carcinogen (known to cause cancer), which means that there's strong evidence that processed meats cause cancer. Eating processed meat increases your risk of bowel and stomach cancer.

Corporate and public policies paired with massive donors funding lobbyists of agricultural special interests have prioritized a "get big or get out" mentality for small farmers. This has resulted in massive losses and generational farmers going out of business if they refuse to adapt to the cruel models of factory farms & concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO)s popularized in recent media coverage.

There is growing demand for an alternative.

Fungi & plant-based alternatives offer a path to profitability, healthier personal outcomes, and a reduction in environmental damage and animal cruelty.

Team members

Meet our Team

Our values

The values that drive everything we do

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We are advocates.

We believe that most people have been misdirected by no fault of their own. We are advocates for those who cannot speak of the realities behind the words like "grass-fed" and "cage-free". The industry is ripe with animal abuse and cruelty that can be replaced with profitable plant-based agriculture.

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We are stewards.

The land we have chosen for this project is our home. We are stewards of this land for the next generation. We have chosen long-term agroforestry and regenerative agriculture techniques to replace what was traditionally used for animal agriculture and feed production.

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We are seed planters.

We believe that the current paradigm of farming and agriculture is ready to die back down into the earth and fertilize the seeds of a new movement of sustainable, regenerative, ethical agriculture.

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We are lifesavers.

We believe in the value of the lives of farmed animals who are abandoned, unwanted, and escaping abuse. We are here to save lives. Each and every resident is here as friends, not food, in their forever home.